
Born in Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1984, Marina Rosset studied animation at ENSAV de la Cambre in Brussels, graduated from Lucerne School of Art and Design in 2007, where she directed Après le Chat (2005), Botteoubateau (2007) and La Main de l'Ours (The Bear’s Hand, 2008). All thave won awards at international festivals.

She then directed and produced the short films Laterarius (2010) and La Fille aux Feuilles (The Girl with the Leaves, 2013). In 2010 co-directed Zadja Minuta, an experimental blackboard shadow and chalk animation with Slovenian director Špela Čadež.

She also collaborates on other productions, most often as an editor, notably on the Oscar nominated animated feature Ma Vie de Courgette (My life as Zucchini), 2016, by Claude Barras.

Her latest short film, La Reine des Renards (The Queen of Foxes, 2022), premiered at the Berlinale International Film Festival in February 2022. It has been selected in over 150 festivals through the world, and received over 30 awards and distinctions.

as writer - director - animator:
2022   La Reine des Renards (The Queen of Foxes)
 animation, pen on paper, 2d computer, 9 min.

2013   La Fille aux Feuilles
 animation, pastels à l’huile sur papier et verre, mixed-media, 6 min.

2010   Laterarius
 animation, dessin sur papier, 4 min.
2010   Last Minute (co-réalisé avec Spela Cadez)
 stop-motion animation, marionette (ombre) et craie sur tableau noir, 2 min.

2008   La Main de l’Ours (the Bear's Hand)
 animation, dessin sur papier, 4 min.

2007   Botteoubateau (Bottoobahtoh)
 animation, dessin sur papier, 3 min

2005   Après le Chat (After the Cat)
 animation, dessin sur papier, 4 min.

collective films:
2015   Owl me Tender (4min, collective film, artistic Coordinator: Sergey Kapkov)
2014   Recycling (13 min, collectictive film, artistic Director: Paula Bristot)

other collaboration (selection):
2023 Canard! (7 min, director: Elie Chapuis, prod: Hélium Films)
  Fonction: editor
2023 La Colline aux Cailloux (26 min, director: Marjorie Perreten, prod: Nadasdy Films)
  Fonction: editor
2023 Die Graue March (12 min, director: Charlotte Walther et Alvaro Scheck, prod: Virage Film)
  Fonction: editor
2022 The Smortlybacks Come Back ! ( 7 min, CGI, director: Ted Sieger, prod: Little Monster GmbH)
  Fonction: storyboard et animatique
2021   Віктор_Робот (Victor_Robot ) (70 minutes, director: Anatoliy Lavrenishin, prod: Studio Chervoniy Sobaka,   Kiyv, Ukraine).
  Fonction: editor
2016   Ma Vie de Courgette (My life as Zucchini) (66 minutes, director: Claude Barras, prod: Rita productions et Blue Spirit)
  Fonction: editor animatique
2016   Le vent dans les roseaux (26 minutes, rdirector: Nicolas Liguori, prod: les Films du Nords et Nadasdy Films)
  Fonction: animatrice
2016   Au revoir Balthasar (7 min., director: Rafael Sommerhalder)
  Fonction: montage additionnels sur animatique
2016   Molly Monster: the movie (60 min, director: Ted Sieger, production: Little Monster GmbH)
  Fonction: synchrorégie français.
2013 Imposteur ! (6 min., director: Elie Chapuis, prod: Hélium Films)
  Fonction: editor

2012   Paulina su il Culm (mini-serie 7x1 min., director: Carla Hitz)
  Fonction: editor
2010   La Fille et le Chasseur (5 min., director: J. Kowalska, prod: Hélium Films et Jadwiga Kowalska)
  Fonction: editor

2010   Mungge (6 min., directors: A. Flückiger, C. Röthlin, I. Walthert)
  Fonction: editor

2008   Kinder Im Mond (5 min., director: Ursula Ulmi)
  Fonction: editor

2008   Signalis (6 min., director: Adrien Flückiger)
  Fonction: editor

2007   Tôt ou Tard (6 min., director: Jadwiga Kowalska)
  Fonction: editor

2006   Birdy (4 min., director: D. Furrer)
  Fonction: editor

2019   Boule de Poil dort encore (Was ist mit Wuschel los?) / Texte: Jeanine Bruneau, Editions SJW OSL.